Education activities
I have been teaching for 30 years at the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics of the University of Nyíregyháza and its predecessors, the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics of College of Nyíregyháza and the Department of Mathematics of the Bessenyei György Teacher Training College. I taught mainly mathematics subjects (principally Theory of Sets and functions, Mathematical Analysis I, II, and III, Probability and Statistics, Measure and integral theory, Orthogonal series, and Differential equations) for students in computer programming, mathematics BSc, and mathematics teachers.
When the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics was founded in 2000, I taught IT subjects such as Database Spreadsheet Management, Delphi, Visual languages, Networking Basics, and Programming languages.
I also taught at the University of Debrecen in the academic year 2017/2018: Applied and Complex Analysis, Differential and Integral Calculus of multivariate functions, Analysis in School Teaching, Elementary mathematics (analysis), and Differential and integral calculus.
Currently, I am working at the Department of Numerical Analysis at the ELTE Faculty of Informatics, Institute of Computer Science. I have taught the following courses: Mathematical Analysis I, II, and Multivariable Calculus for computer programming students.
In addition to my teaching activities, I have also supervised and refereed several theses.